Dogwood Alliance
Dogwood Alliance is that rare thing—a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens who have genuinely changed the world. (Sorry, Margaret Mead, but some folks are all talk...)
From transforming McDonalds' paper purchasing policies to changing how the largest paper companies in the world manage Southern forests, this Asheville-based troupe of badasses punches above its weight.
Our work with Dogwood has ranged from Kentucky Fried Forests—a successful campaign to reform The Colonel's forest-destroying packaging habits—to an organizational rebranding and two year marketing plan.
Our vision for the brand centers on the idea of Southern forests as a central pillar of an inclusive Southern culture. This vision translated to a successful story-telling night at Motorco, Durham, entitled Stories Happen in Forests. One of those stories—featuring John Darnielle of The Mountain Goats—is featured below.
(Not to toot our own horn, but we believe "Our Forests. Our Strength." is singlehandedly one of the best taglines in the forest protection space.)